How to Install Riing Plus Controllers
First start by laying out the controller and each of the fans you want to assign per number. The assigned controller corresponds to the program which will be used later ( see figure 1 ). Once you have it laid out the way you want it, move the fans to the installation in the case, and run the cables to the back side of the case. Install the fans 9 pin heads into the controller into the slots you predefined earlier.
Once the fans are installed and the controller has all the fans plugged in, run your 9 pin USB header to the motherboard as shown below ( Fig 2 ). Plug the mini USB side of the cable to the controller you have your fans plugged into. Note: If you have multiple controllers, you do not need to use the second micro USB cable connected to the USB header. You can instead daisy chain the controllers to use less ports.
Once the controller and fans are installed, run the Molex connection to the power supply, the cable is shown below. ( fig 4 ) Note: Do not use a shared Molex cable as you may not get proper power. You should use one cable per controller from the power supply as shown below in the case of multiple controllers.
If you are installing multiple controllers, there is a cable that links the controllers together. The cable is a 4pin to Micro USB as shown below. Linking them in this manner will allow the program to see the controllers and work together to manage RGB patterns and colors. It’s important to set the dip switches on the back in the proper order. The order that is correct is in the diagram below the figure.